
Have you ever considered what your clothes are made of before you buy it? Will it feel nice against your skin? Will it wash well? Will it snag?

Whilst all these questions are important (and ones we consider!) We also ask how the fabric affects the environment. 

There is no getting away from the fact the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Clothing is responsible for around 3% to 6.7% of global human caused carbon emissions. This includes the production of the fabric and then the care of it once it has been purchased. 

We’ve tried to make some better choices at the manufacturing stage to help keep the impact as low as possible. You can find out how you can care best for your garments, and continue to lower their impact, here. We also want to help give you and your garments a long and happy life together. Check out our blog for more. 

Obviously, there is no such thing as a 100% sustainable fabric. However, some are much better than others. Scroll down to see the fabrics we use and why we’ve picked them. 


Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is as versatile as it’s non organic counterpart, but without any pesticides and using 85% less water consumption! This means the carbon emissions from the farming process are 46% less.

On a quality note, the finish is usually smoother as organic cotton is hand picked rather than harvested by machine. 


Recycled/Regenerated Cotton

Recycled cotton is a by-product of organic cotton, waste not want not and all that! Cotton materials are broken down and re-spun into yarn through a mechanical process ready to make into garments. This reduces the amount of energy and water needed and also helps with waste products. 


Humble wool, one of the oldest fabrics known to man, with its use dating back to the stone age. Wool is a naturally fire retardant and water-repellent fibre, without being treated with any chemicals. It is also one of the most hard-wearing fabrics meaning clothing made from wool are made to last. Wool also has natural stain repellent properties, meaning it needs less washing. 

The lifecycle of wool also makes it a great, sustainable choice. Sheep farming can support conservation and biodiversity with the sheep wool being a natural renewable fibre. Knitwear is odour and stain resistant, meaning it requires less washing and it can last over 30 years if well cared for. It is also easily repairable, resellable and recyclable. When it reaches the end of its life it can be composted and is biodegradable. 

Recycled Polyester 

Recycled polyester is made from plastics such as carrier bags, bottles and other recycled polyester textiles. We see this as a great way of reusing single use plastics and keeping them from landfill or causing damage to our local environment. 

We are always happy to answer questions you may have about material choices. If you want to chat through our fabric choices with us, please just contact us.